Facials, Day Spa Tahlia Pileggi Facials, Day Spa Tahlia Pileggi


The sun is good for us in so many ways, but there’s a fine line between healthy sun exposure and when the sun becomes damaging and even dangerous to our health. We asked our Sulis Skincare Specialist, Jodie to share her tips for relishing that summer glow and not jeopardising the health of your skin.

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nurture & restore balance to your body & soul
Day Spa Tahlia Pileggi Day Spa Tahlia Pileggi

nurture & restore balance to your body & soul

Current circumstances have brought with them an increased level of stress in our daily lives with many juggling family life, work and home schooling. Our Skin and Massage Therapist, Jodie explains how the beautiful and deeply therapeutic Aveda Chakra Balancing Massage treatment can help nurture and restore balance to your body and soul.

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